
March 7, 2017 I took my wife to Cabo San Lucas for her Birthday. The property we selected was Chileno Bay. It was an amazing place. Both of us were about to experience more than we expected.

The first evening we had dinner at the very eclectic restaurant Comal, situated on the property, this breathtaking beauty hugs the coast line at Chileno Bay.

It wasn’t 15 minutes after being seated, that a small group sat within conversation distance of us. A gentleman, his mother, uncle, and son.

We exchanged “hellos” and one conversation led to another, which lead to a brief acknowledgement of my sport coat which I was wearing that evening for my wife’s birthday. By the way, not just any sport coat, but one that might catch your attention.

He commented on it and the next thing you know we both learned more about each other and he learned more about what I do and that I make custom clothing for men.

After exchanging some contact info, we met up weeks later in Chicago at his place of residence. We discussed his present clothing situation and took a look at things that he probably needed to add to his appearance.

Not too long after developing this working relationship, the pandemic hit and all the nonsense that came with it.

I have to say that staying connected through social media was so important. He could see my work and I could keep abreast to his developing world.

After a big decision to relocate to Naples, FL with his beautiful fiancé in 2020, the announcement came that they were to be married.

You guessed it, they decided to get married December 2021 back in Cabo San Lucas at the same place where I had met him almost 4 years earlier on that birthday night for my wife at Chileno Bay.

As things unfolded, he reached out to me to have me make him a number of outfits for this special wedding event.

Needless to say, it was an extraordinary wedding weekend. The new friends my wife and I made and the possibilities for me to creating new business will continue for a long time to come and most likely last a lifetime.

The moral of this story is never cut short your appearance or expectations for any occasion, and always welcome the next conversation because you never know where life will lead you!

Thank you Nick and Brooke Gialamas!

- Randy Willard
